This is my Dad and the boat that he and I worked on to move from New Jersey to Florida - the trips we shared inspired my love of and dedication to woodworking.
Woodworking & Furniture Background
Much of my woodworking background is covered in my bio however, woodshop in high school was the kickoff for me. My Dad encouraged me and challenged me. I loved spending time with him. During our first project, I helped to fit out the hull of a 28-foot skiff from the raw. We refined all of the decking, bulkheads, birthing, galley, binnacles, wiring, engine, flybridge in mahogany.
Jeff has had an interesting career as a Mastercraftsman. Formerly he was the owner, operator, and builder of single-family homes and a warehouse and managed subcontractors and individuals alike. He began by purchasing plots of land and drilling the wells, installing the septic systems and sprinklers, and then drew the blueprints. The forms were then set and he poured the slabs got the blocks laid up and framed out the interiors and roofs. He hung the sheetrock then made the cabinetry and hung the doors and installed the trim woodwork. Often times the real estate agent would bring the buyer in to tell him what color they wanted the house painted.
Next, he was the owner, operator, and fabricator of a custom jewelry store and developed relationships and friendships with a wide variety of businesses and customers. He is an avid learner and studied at the Gold Crucible in Carmel Valley with Ron Hentges for four years. Later, he studied jewelry with a Master Jeweler by the name of Orlando Feriozzi of Rome. Jeff has also taught classes professionally and guided several apprenticeships in jewelry and woodworking.
Currently, he builds furniture and cabinetry for commissioned customers. He has taken classes from Chuck Bender, Glen Huey, Bob Lang, Scott Grove, Peter Follensby, Mary May, and Jeff Headley.
2020: American Period Furniture Article
2021: Pins & Tales Article
Society of American Period Furniture Makers, Board Member (SAPFM)
Diamond Certified, Gemological Institute of America (GIA)
Associated Arts, Alumni of Monterey Peninsula College in Engineering Technology
Lifetime Member Disabled American Veterans
Member, Experimental Aircraft Association, (EAA)
Purple Heart Recipient, Combat Action Badge
First Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division